
DMIN Function

The DMIN function in Excel is a database function that allows users to find the smallest value in a specified field of a database that meets a certain criteria. This function is often used in conjunction with other database functions, such as DMAX, DGET, and DSUM, to analyze and summarize data in a spreadsheet.

To use the DMIN function in Excel, you will need to follow the syntax: DMIN(database, field, criteria). The database is the range of cells that contains the data you want to analyze. The field is the column number in the database that contains the data you want to find the minimum value for. The criteria are the conditions that the data in the field must meet in order to be included in the calculation.

For example, let’s say you have a database of sales data in your spreadsheet, and you want to find the smallest sale amount made by a specific salesperson. In this case, the database would be the range of cells containing all of the sales data, the field would be the column containing the sale amounts, and the criteria would be the name of the salesperson you are interested in.

To use the DMIN function in this example, you would enter the formula =DMIN(A1:D10, 3, “John Smith”) into a cell in your spreadsheet. This formula would search through the database (A1:D10), find the minimum value in the third column (sale amount), and only include data that meets the criteria of having the salesperson’s name “John Smith”.

One important thing to note about the DMIN function is that it only works with numerical data. If you try to use it with text data, you will receive an error. To find the minimum value in a field of text data, you will need to use the MIN function instead.

Another thing to consider when using the DMIN function is the type of criteria you use. You can use either a range of cells or a text string as your criteria. If you use a range of cells, the function will search through the database and include any data that meets the criteria in the range. If you use a text string as your criteria, you will need to use specific operators, such as “>”, “<“, “>=”, or “<=”, to specify the conditions that the data must meet.

For example, let’s say you want to find the smallest sale amount made by salespeople who made at least 10 sales. In this case, you could use the formula =DMIN(A1:D10, 3, “>=10”) to search through the database, find the minimum value in the third column, and only include data that meets the criteria of having at least 10 sales.

The DMIN function can also be used in conjunction with other database functions, such as DMAX, DGET, and DSUM. These functions allow you to find the maximum, a specific value, or the sum of values in a database that meet certain criteria.

For example, let’s say you want to find the total sales made by salespeople who made at least 10 sales. You could use the DSUM function in combination with the DMIN function to achieve this. The formula would be =DSUM(A1:D10, 3, “>=10”). This formula would search through the database, find all values in the third column that meet the criteria of having at least 10 sales, and then sum them up to give you the total sales amount.

Overall, the DMIN function in Excel is a useful tool for analyzing and summarizing data in a database. It allows you to find the smallest value in a specified field of data that meets certain criteria.

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